6th Nov and 4th Dec 2024, 8th,15th Jan and 19th Feb 2025. Tina - The Tina Turner Musical - experience the inspiring life story of Tina Turner - the Queen of Rock'n'Roll at our Wednesday matinee session.
Wed, 22nd January - Enjoy a day at the Mornington Market or spend some time at the waterfront. Then relax whilst sharing a BBQ at The Briars
Wed. 26th March Wed. 9th April Wed. 11th June (Sth Gippsland/Phillip Island pick up) Say "Jesus Christ Superstar" and the songs start reeling through your head. Let the fun start before you get to the Theatre!
Wed. 13th August, Wed 20th August (incl Warragul pick up) & Wed 10th September (incl. Sth Gipp/Phillip Island pick up) - Don't miss the ever-popular broadway musical. Annie which will light up The Princess Theatre!
Thursday 6th March normal pick up Berwick & Officer, Thursday 13th March Brighton ONLY pick up - join us for a day out to the Blue Lotus gardens where you will enjoy morning tea and lunch and time to wander around the beautiful gardens
Tuesday 8th April BRIGHTON pick up only and Thursday 10th April usual pick up locations - Embrace the spirit and beauty of Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne as it transforms after-dark with Lightfall.
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